Sunday, 21 August 2011

tweaking the trinity

I'm still managing to snatch the occasional half-hour. Actually to be fair, while the toddler is at Nursery or his grandparents, and the baby is asleep, quite a few things can be done. So this is the culmination of several sessions.

So we're into track 3 - the spiritual one. And the first three sections describe the trinity, God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

The big thing about section 1 was that the loudest section was too long, and the music in it repeated too often. I also wanted a blank at the start, so I cur two bars that way, and moved some stuff around, and introduced strings (this is a pseudo-orchestral section) and so I added an extra four bars of strings. The strings give a depth that wasn't there before (double-bass). There has also been some tweaking of timing. I've also added the thunder sound effect again (that's three thunderclaps in one album!)

The second section is about God the Son, and features the crucifixion, and resurrection. There was some minor tweaking, some of the reverb on spoken word was really hissy, and I've added some more processing. A flutey sound has had the strong reverb toned down, and slightly humanised.

And in the third section, The Holy Spirit, it was really sloppy. I have gone through in minute detail editing timings of notes, Ukelele and guitar chords, and shaker shaking. Long, slow and hopefully invisible editing. One of the differences between this album and previous ones is my willingness to edit - in minute detail if need be. Oh and I've re-recorded, edited and changed the processing on some slap bass.

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